- Boost Developer, author of the following libraries: Boost.Optional, Boos.Numeric Conversions and Boost.Value Initialized
- CGAL Developer, author of the following packages 2D Straight Skeleton and Polygon Offseting package. Triangulated Surface Mesh Simplification. CGAL and the Boost Graph Library (co-author)
- Professional member of the ACCU (Professionalism in Programming)
- Professional member of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) member of the ACM Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques
- Professional member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), member of the IEEE Computer Society
- CODEF/CML - A novel type of serialization framework in C# (Published in ACCU's Overload mangazine #74 )
- Proposals to the C++ standarization committee: JTC1/SC22/WG21 - C++
- Introductory paper on the Straight Skeleton CGAL package presented in 2nd CGAL User Workshop
- 2D Polygon Offseting Methods
- CUJ October 2000 Article: "An Improved Variant Type Based on Member Templates"
Other contributions
- Borland's CodeCentral: CheckFixup utility
- Bisector Intersection Formulas for the Voronoi Diagrams from LNCS500
Founder of the Spanish-speaking Google Group:
CyC++ Buenos Aires
I formally studied Biochemistry (though I wish I had studied CS too), so I like not only Computer Science but Science in general, particularly Particle Physics.
I rarely do any outdoor activity nowdays because I don't have the time, but ironically, I love it.
I like movies; so much that I can't recommend any because I like them all. The more Hollywoody the better!
I can't keep a non-technical reading... Even though I love Science Fiction, I usually get anxious to move on to other stuff so I read most novels and short stories halfway... maybe that's why I like movies so much.. a complete story in a small time.